Sunday, February 24, 2013

Class on 2-18/2-20

Brainstorming on Monday really helped me see what I wanted to write about in my exploratory essay. It really put in perspective what Megan wanted from us in the essay and it made it more clearer for me. I decided I wanted to write about education and social class and I decided this because of the fact that that is what I had the most questions about after reading what we read for class. Workshopping sounds interesting as well becuase I've never done it before. In my other English classes we had peer editing, but what we talked about in class on Wednesday always happened. People wouldn't give you actual information that you could use to edit your paper. So I shall find out what it's all about on Monday!


  1. What steps will you take to make sure your peer editing doesnt fall in any of the dont categories?? Its hard to truly reach out of your comfort zone and not do the norm. So think about ways that you can improve as a reader to give out great feedback to your classmates for monday,

  2. I agree with you about the workshopping. I think Megan's take on peer editing will be a lot more helpful than some that I've been a part of in the past; especially because we took the time to go over it in class before hand.
