Saturday, March 30, 2013

Annotated Bibliography Workshop Reflection

1. Ashley-Add more to my the last part of my source descriptions, "how you use it". She believed I ananlzyed the source well,  but didn't have enough in that part.
Leaslie-She liked that fact that my second source could be a potential conclusion for my paper, but I needed to say and explain that somewhere in that annotation.
Brian-Liked the quotes that I found for all of my sources and said they would be a great addition to my paper.
2. The most helpful piece of advice that I received was the fact that even though they could tell that I had understood my sources they didn't really understand how those sources were going to be used in my paper.
3. The least helpful amount of advice was the repetitive amount times saying that they liked one part of my bibliography, but I like the encouragement.
4. I plan to add more to my "how you use it" part of my paper. Just going more in dept on how that source is exactly going into my paper.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you decided to add more depth about the use of your sources. I feel this will help your paper also be stronger and will make your research more effective.
