Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Research Proposal

Dear Megan,
            For my inquiry project I’ve decided that I wanted to focus on education in the different social classes with more of a focus on minorities. When I read the articles Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work, Women Without Class, and On the Uses of Liberal Education for my exploratory essay it really got me thinking about my time in school. I can say from my experience that I went to a working class public school all my life. But for me I always knew that I was going to college throughout middle and high school. So, the classes I took during this time were for that path. Also when I could choose my own classes I choose classes that would take me down this path as well. So for my inquiry project I want to focus on how many students in the different social classes actually end up in the same social class as there parents and who doesn’t end up in the same social class as there parents rather it be going up or down. When they have the choice to choose what they are taught, are they more susceptible to choosing to stay within their learning criteria. This subject just really interested me because I grew up with and I’m myself am hoping to make more money then my parents, and this could possibly be a motivator for the me and the people the I grew up with. 

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